Well Testing
VANTAGE offers a complete state-of-the-art well test package that helps our clients accurately identify the value of hydrocarbon assets using the industry’s most recognised technologies. We also have a wide range of equipment to perform various subsurface and surface studies.
We have strategically invested in full package of well testing assets to serve our clients as part of our commitment to offer quality and safe services. Our well test solutions cover various spectrum accommodating to our client specific well’s characteristics for:
- Exploration Well Testing Services
- Appraisal Well Testing Services
- Well Clean-up and Flow-back Services
- In-line Testing services
- Extended Well Test
VANTAGE is the 1st local Malaysian company to own and self-operate 2 x complete set of Well Testing system
SEPAT | 290 days ahead of schedule
Uptime for EPS
Wells in Surface Sand
Complete or Partial Equipment available for rental
Dedicated PMT
Years Experience

Surface Safety Valve
Emergency shut down valve.

Choke Manifolds
5k PSI and 10k PSI flow control.

Three-Phase Test Separator
Efficient separator of oil, gas and water

Surge Tanks
Various tanks sizes with single or dual compartments or steam coils

Dual Pot Sand Filter
Mechanical filtration at 5k or 10k PSI for solids, debris, gel and various particles. Comes with 50, 100 or 200-micron screen sizes.

Data Acquisition System
Complete hardware and software solutions for well test or production operations. Easily configurable to meet your requirements.

Flare Boom with Burner Head
Safe environmentally efficient gas burning with significant reductions in oil mist falls and black smog.

Inline Strainer
Has a working pressure of 10k PSI with a maximum differential pressure across filter screens of up to 1000 PSI.

High and Low-pressure Pipework
We use WECO type pipework of various sizes to ensure excellent delivery while using Flow Safety Restraint (SFR) which is NACE MR01-75 certified for the entire piping to combat corrosion.

Sampling Equipment
Get high-quality samples to compose your recovery strategies. Sampling testing can be fine-tuned to your requirements.